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Herbicides and Plant Physiology
Andrew Cobb,
John Reade
ISBN: 978-1-4051-2935-0
Paperback | 296 pages | October 2010
Recent Advances in Polyphenol Research, Volume 2
Celestino Santos-Buelga, Maria Teresa
Escribano-Bailon, Vincenzo Lattanzio
ISBN: 978-1-4051-9399-3
Hardcover | 352 pages | June 2010
Plant Defense:
Warding off attack by pathogens, herbivores
and parasitic plants
Dale Walters
ISBN: 978-1-4051-7589-0
Paperback | 248 pages | October 2010
Treated Wastewater in Agriculture: Use and impacts on
the soil environments and crops
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P. Fine, A. Bart-Tal
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Horticultural Reviews, Volume 38
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Plant Breeding Reviews, Volume 34
Jules Janick
ISBN: 978-0-470-87516-2
Hardcover | 416 pages | November 2010
Compendium of Transgenic Crop Plants,
10 Volume Set
Chittaranjan Kole,
Timothy C. Hall
ISBN: 978-1-4051-6924-0
Hardcover | 2776 pages | October 2008
Handbook of Plant Science, 2 Volume Set
Keith Roberts
ISBN: 978-0-470-05723-0
Hardcover | 1648 pages | October 2007

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Compendium of Transgenic Crop Plants
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fields of agriculture, genetics and plant science.


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