発話と言語の発達 Acta Paediatrica誌特集号 【無料公開中】

virtual_issue__selected_articles_on_speech_and_language_development発話と言語の発達の様々な側面を取り上げた7本の論文をActa Paediatrica誌で現在無料公開中です。早産児及び難聴児の言語発達遅滞、表現言語の特異的障害を持つ未就学男児の運動能力と触知覚、胎児の言語学習能力、心的イメージと特異的言語障害の関係、クラインフェルター症候群と特異的言語障害、バイリンガル教育と子供の言語問題等のテーマを取り上げます。全ての論文を無料でアクセス頂けますので、是非ご一読ください。

発話と言語の発達 特集号【無料公開中】
   ⇒Selected articles on speech and language development published in Acta Paediatrica during 2011-2013free_access

Assessing language and language environment of high-risk infants and children: a new approach (2013)free_access
Melinda Caskey, Betty Vohr

Motor performance and haptic perception in preschool boys with specific impairment of expressive language (2011)free_access
Iti Müürsepp, Herje Aibast, Mati Pääsuke

A new dimension on foetal language learning (2013)free_access
Minna Huotilainen

Rotation and generation of mental imagery in children with specific language impairment (2013)free_access
Maria Guarnera, Elena Commodari, Cristina Peluso

Klinefelter syndrome as a window on the aetiology of language and communication impairments in children: the neuroligin–neurexin hypothesis (2011)free_access
Dorothy VM Bishop, Gaia Scerif

Does simultaneous bilingualism aggravate children’s specific language problems? (2012)free_access
Marit Korkman, Maria Stenroos, Annika Mickos, Martin Westman, Pia Ekholm, Roger Byring

Language experienced in utero affects vowel perception after birth: a two-country study (2013)free_access
Christine Moon, Hugo Lagercrantz, Patricia K Kuhl

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カテゴリー: 小児科学   タグ:   この投稿のパーマリンク
