Acta Paediatricaから「小児喘息」特集号リリース

Acta Paediatrica Virtual Issue on Asthma

Acta Paediatrica誌から小児喘息の様々な側面を取り上げるハイライト論文を10編収録した特集号がリリースされました。授乳中の母体の脂肪食、脂肪酸摂取と子供の喘息発症リスクの関係、好酸球性・非好酸球性喘息の臨床的特徴、喫煙及び副流煙と小児喘息の関係、胎児及び小児期の成長状況が成人喘息に及ぼす影響等をテーマとした論文を掲載します。

小児喘息 特集号
   ⇒Virtual Issue on Asthma in Childhood from Acta Paediatrica

Maternal dietary fat and fatty acid intake during lactation and the risk of asthma in the offspring
M Lumia, P Luukkainen, M Kaila, H Tapanainen, H-M Takkinen, M Prasad, S Niinistö, B I Nwaru, M G Kenward, J Ilonen, O Simell, M Knip, R Veijola and S M Virtanen

Association of food allergy with asthma severity and atopic diseases in Jewish and Arab adolescents
Yael Graif, Larissa German, Irit Livne and Tamy Shohat

Preschool children with high adherence to inhaled corticosteroids for asthma do not show behavioural problems
Wouter Quak, Ted Klok, Adrian A Kaptein, Eric J Duiverman, Paul LP Brand

Increasing prevalence of asthma, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema among schoolchildren: three surveys during the period 1985–2008
Tonje Elisabeth Hansen, Bjørg Evjenth and Jan Holt

Clinical characteristics of eosinophilic and noneosinophilic asthma in children
Yong Ju Lee, Kyung Won Kim, Bong Seok Choi, Myung Hyun Sohn and Kyu-Earn Kim

Tobacco smoking, exposure to second-hand smoke, and asthma and wheezing in schoolchildren: a cross-sectional study
Anna Martín-Pujol, Esteve Fernández, Anna Schiaffino, Albert Moncada, Carles Ariza, Carles Blanch and Jose M Martínez-Sánchez, the RESPIR•NET research group

Foetal and childhood growth and asthma in adult life
David JP Barker, Clive Osmond, Tom J Forsén, Kent L Thornburg, Eero Kajantie and Johan G Eriksson

The prospective association between behavioural problems and asthma outcome in young asthma patients
Marieke Verkleij, Erik-Jonas van de Griendt, Adrian A Kaptein, Liesbeth EM van Essen-Zandvliet, Eric J Duiverman and Rinie Geenen

No association between overweight and asthma or allergy in adolescence after wheezing in infancy
Marja Ruotsalainen, Mari K Hyvärinen, Antti Saari, Eija Piippo-Savolainen and Matti Korppi

Caesarean section and allergic manifestations: insufficient evidence of association found in population-based study of children aged 1 to 4 years
K Pyrhönen, S Näyhä, L Hiltunen and E Läärä

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カテゴリー: 呼吸器学, 小児科学   パーマリンク
