「炎症と肥満」オンライン特集号 – 関連論文を無料公開中


本特集号は先月の米国免疫学会総会で開催されたシンポジウム「未解決の慢性炎症がメディエーターとなるインスリン抵抗性肥満の多様な疾病リスク」の支援を目的として編集者の一人であるJacqueline Stephens女史(ペニングトン・生物医学研究センター)により構成されました。

炎症と肥満 特集号
   ⇒Virtual Issue on Inflammation and obesity

Lack of platelet-activating factor receptor protects mice against diet-induced adipose inflammation and insulin-resistance despite fat pad expansion
Zélia Menezes-Garcia, Marina C. Oliveira, et al.

CXCR3 modulates obesity-induced visceral adipose inflammation and systemic insulin resistance
Jeffrey A Deiuliis, Steve Oghumu, et al.

Macrophages and fibrosis in adipose tissue are linked to liver damage and metabolic risk in obese children
Ryan W. Walker, Hooman Allayee, et al.

Pro-Inflammatory macrophages increase in skeletal muscle of high fat-Fed mice and correlate with metabolic risk markers in humans
Lisbeth N. Fink, Sheila R. Costford, et al.

Effects of a 1-year exercise and lifestyle intervention on irisin, adipokines, and inflammatory markers in obese children
Susann Blüher, Grigorios Panagiotou, et al.

Race modifies the association between adiposity and inflammation in patients with chronic kidney disease: Findings from the chronic renal insufficiency cohort study
Maria R. Wing, Wei Yang, et al.

The role of S100B in the interaction between adipocytes and macrophages
Atsushi Fujiya, Hiroshi Nagasaki, et al.

Human adipocyte extracellular vesicles in reciprocal signaling between adipocytes and macrophages
Mariëtte E. G. Kranendonk, Frank L. J. Visseren, et al.

Inflammatory biomarker pentraxin 3 (PTX3) in relation to obesity, body fat depots, and weight loss
Anna Witasp, Juan Jesús Carrero, et al.

Human intestinal microbiota composition is associated with local and systemic inflammation in obesity
Froukje J. Verdam, Susana Fuentes, et al.

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カテゴリー: 免疫学, 栄養学, 生活習慣病, 糖尿病・内分泌・代謝   タグ:   この投稿のパーマリンク
