
Anaesthesia cover英国・アイルランド麻酔科医協会(The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland)の公式誌であるAnaesthesia誌から、心臓胸部麻酔学関連の論文をまとめた特集ページが無料公開されました。


Special Collection: Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia

Ischaemic conditioning: intervening to protect; before, after, and at a distance
A. Vercueil

The controversy of right ventricular systolic pressure: is it time to abandon the pulmonary artery catheter?
N. Silverton, M. Meineri and G. Djaiani

Awareness in cardiothoracic anaesthetic practice – where now after NAP5?
D. Smith and N. G. Goddard

Stroke volume optimisation: is the fairy tale over?
G. Minto and R. Struthers

Original Articles
Capabilities of a mobile extracorporeal membrane oxygenation service for severe respiratory failure delivered by intensive care specialists
P. B. Sherren, S. J. Shepherd, G. W. Glover, et al.

Haemoconcentration of residual cardiopulmonary bypass blood using Hemosep®: a randomised controlled trial
M. Hogan, A. Needham, E. Ortmann, F. Bottrill, T. J. Collier, M. W. Besser and A. A. Klein

The utility of transoesophageal echocardiography for estimating right ventricular systolic pressure
B. Cowie, R. Kluger, S. Rex and C. Missant

Evaluation of the utility of the Vigileo FloTrac™, LiDCO™, USCOM and CardioQ™ to detect hypovolaemia in conscious volunteers: a proof of concept study
E. O’Loughlin, M. Ward, A. Crossley, R. Hughes, A. P. Bremner and T. Corcoran

Conditioning out-of-date bank-stored red blood cells using a cell-saver auto-transfusion device: effects on numbers of red cells and quality of suspension fluid
M. S. Read, P. Coles, M. Pomeroy, E. Anderson and M. I. Aziz

Does individual experience affect performance during cardiopulmonary resuscitation with additional external distractors?
R. Krage, L. Tjon Soei Len, P. Schober, M, et al.

The minimally invasive MitraClip™ procedure for mitral regurgitation under general anaesthesia: immediate effects on the pulmonary circulation and right ventricular function
E. Kottenberg, M. Dumont, U. H. Frey, T. Heine, B. Plicht, P. Kahlert, R. Erbel and J. Peters

Intra- and inter-centre standardisation of thromboelastography (TEG®)
C. Quarterman, M. Shaw, I. Johnson and S. Agarwal

A randomised controlled trial comparing incentive spirometry with the Acapella® device for physiotherapy after thoracoscopic lung resection surgery
Y. J. Cho, H. Ryu, J. Lee, et al.

Pulse pressure variation to predict fluid responsiveness in spontaneously breathing patients: tidal vs forced inspiratory breathing
D. M. Hong, J. M. Lee, J. H. Seo, J. J. Min, Y. Jeon and J. H. Bahk

A pilot study of cerebral tissue oxygenation and postoperative cognitive dysfunction among patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting randomised to surgery with or without cardiopulmonary bypass
W. F. Kok, A. E. van Harten, B. M. J. A. Koene, et al.

A prospective observational study of stroke volume responsiveness to a passive leg raise manoeuvre in healthy non-starved volunteers as assessed by transthoracic echocardiography
G. E. P. Godfrey, S. W. Dubrey and J. M. Handy

The association between tranexamic acid and convulsive seizures after cardiac surgery: a multivariate analysis in 11 529 patients
V. Sharma, R. Katznelson, A. Jerath, et al.

Therapeutic effect of inhaled budesonide (Pulmicort® Turbuhaler) on the inflammatory response to one-lung ventilation
N. Y. Ju, H. Gao, W. Huang, F. F. Niu, W. X. Lan, F. Li and W. Gao

Correlation between supra-sternal Doppler cardiac output (USCOM) measurements and chest radiological features
L. Huang, L. A. H. Critchley, R. L. K. Lok and Y. Liu

The effects of prolonged inspiratory time during one-lung ventilation: a randomised controlled trial
S. M. Lee, W. H. Kim, H. J. Ahn, et al.

Evaluation of cardiac output in intensive care using a non-invasive arterial pulse contour technique (Nexfin®) compared with echocardiography
O. Taton, D. Fagnoul, D. De Backer and J.-L. Vincent

The role of point-of-care platelet function testing in predicting postoperative bleeding following cardiac surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis
C. Corredor, M. Wasowicz, K. Karkouti and V. Sharma

Peri-operative anaesthetic myocardial preconditioning and protection – cellular mechanisms and clinical relevance in cardiac anaesthesia
G. Kunst and A. A. Klein

Pulmonary hypertension and its management in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery
S. A. Pilkington, D. Taboada and G. Martinez

Haemostatic management of cardiac surgical haemorrhage
M. W. Besser, E. Ortmann and A. A. Klein

A review of echocardiography in anaesthetic and peri-operative practice. Part 1: impact and utility
R. L. Barber and S. N. Fletcher

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カテゴリー: 心臓病学, 心臓血管外科学, 麻酔学   タグ:   この投稿のパーマリンク
