<新刊紹介> Intelligent Stimuli-Responsive Materials|関心が高まる「刺激応答性材料」研究の到達点を示す

Intelligent Stimuli-Responsive MaterialsIntelligent Stimuli-Responsive Materials: From Well-Defined Nanostructures to Applications
 Quan Li (Editor)
 ISBN: 978-1-118-45200-4
 Hardcover / 486 pages / October 2013
 US$ 175.00


編者は米ケント州立大学液晶研究所のDr. Quan Li(右写真)です。各章の執筆には、立命館大・前田 大光准教授(第4章)、関西大・宮田 隆志教授、河村 暁文助教(第10章)、東京大・吉田 亮教授(第11章)と日本人研究者も多く参加しています。


  1. Nature-Inspired Stimuli-Responsive Self-Folding Materials
    Leonid Ionov
  2. Stimuli-Responsive Nanostructures from Self-Assembly of Rigid–Flexible Block Molecules
    Yongju Kim, Taehoon Kim, and Myongsoo Lee
  3. Stimuli-Directed Alignment Control of Semiconducting Discotic Liquid Crystalline Nanostructures
    Hari Krishna Bisoyi and Quan Li
  4. Anion-Driven Supramolecular Self-Assembled Materials
    Hiromitsu Maeda
  5. Photoresponsive Cholesteric Liquid Crystals
    Yannian Li and Quan Li
  6. Electric- and Light-Responsive Bent-Core Liquid Crystals: From Molecular Architecture and Supramolecular Nanostructures to Applications
    Yongqiang Zhang
  7. Photomechanical Liquid Crystalline Polymers:Motion in Response to Light
    Haifeng Yu and Quan Li
  8. Responsive Nanoporous Silica Colloidal Films and Membranes
    Amir Khabibullin and Ilya Zharov
  9. Stimuli-Responsive Smart Organic Hybrid Metal Nanoparticles
    Chenming Xue and Quan Li
  10. Biologically Stimuli-Responsive Hydrogels
    Akifumi Kawamura and Takashi Miyata
  11. Biomimetic Self-Oscillating Polymer Gels
    Ryo Yoshida
  12. Stimuli-Responsive Surfaces in Biomedical Applications
    Alice Pranzetti, Jon A. Preece, and Paula M. Mendes
  13. Stimuli-Responsive Conjugated Polymers: From Electronic Noses to Artificial Muscles
    Astha Malhotra, Matthew McInnis, Jordan Anderson, and Lei Zhai
カテゴリー: 書籍 パーマリンク