材料科学の専門誌Advanced Materialsがこのほど創刊25周年を迎えました。最新号(Volume 25, Issue 36)に編集長Peter Gregoryが記念のEditorialを寄稿しています。
⇒ Gregory, P. (2013), Advanced Materials 25 Years On. Adv. Mater., 25: 4962–4965. doi: 10.1002/adma.201303702
Advanced Materialsは1988年5月、Angewandte Chemieの綴じ込み別冊付録として、わずか36ページで創刊されました。(右下の表紙) その後、同誌は順調に成長し、1990年からは独立した冊子として発行されるようになりました。現在では年間6千報以上の論文が投稿され、2012年インパクトファクターは14.829に達する、当分野の最重要誌のひとつとなっています。
ちなみに上記のEditorialによると、Advanced Materials誌の過去25年間で最も多く引用された論文は、2003年に発表された下記の総説で、被引用回数は5千回を超えています。
⇒ Xia, Y., Yang, P., Sun, Y., Wu, Y., Mayers, B., Gates, B., Yin, Y., Kim, F. and Yan, H. (2003), One-Dimensional Nanostructures: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications. Adv. Mater., 15: 353–389. doi: 10.1002/adma.200390087
創刊25周年記念企画として、同誌では材料科学分野のホットなトピックに関する総説「25th Anniversary Article」(下のリスト)を各主題の世界的な専門家に委嘱し、順次公開しています。
25th Anniversary Article (カッコ内は著者)
- Understanding the Lithiation of Silicon and Other Alloying Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries (Y. Cui, et al.)
- Engineering Hydrogels for Biofabrication (J. Malda, D. W. Hutmacher, et al.)
- Colloidal Quantum Dot Materials and Devices: A Quarter-Century of Advances (E. H. Sargent, et al.)
- Dynamic Interfaces for Responsive Encapsulation Systems (E. V. Skorb and H. Möhwald)
- Recent Advances in n-Type and Ambipolar Organic Field-Effect Transistors (Y. Q. Liu, et al.)
- The Evolution of Electronic Skin (E-Skin): A Brief History, Design Considerations, and Recent Progress (Z. Bao, et al.)
- Reversible and Adaptive Functional Supramolecular Materials: “Noncovalent Interaction” Matters (X. Zhang, et al.)
- Ion Exchange in Colloidal Nanocrystals (A. L. Rogach, et al.)
- Key Points for High Mobility Organic Field-Effect Transistors (H. Dong, W. Hu, et al.)
- A Decade of Organic/Polymeric Photovoltaic Research (G. Li, R. A. Street, Y. Yang, et al.)
- CVD Polymers: A New Paradigm for Surface Modification and Device Fabrication (K. Gleason, et al.)
- No Assembly Required: Recent advances in Fully Conjugated Block Copolymers (C. J. Hawker, et al.)
- “Cooking Carbon with Salt”: Carbon Materials and Carbonaceous Frameworks from Ionic liquids and Poly(ionic liquid)s (M. Antonietti, et al.)
- What can be done with Langmuir-Blodgett Method? Recent Developments and its Critical Role in Materials Science (K. Ariga, et al.)
- Rise to Power-OPV based Solar Parks (F. C. Krebs, et al.)
- Design of Polymethine Dyes for All-Optical Switching Applications: Guidance from Theoretical and Computational Studies (S. R. Marder, J.-L. Bredas, et al.)
- Galvanic Replacement: A Simple and Versatile Route to Hollow Nanostructures with Tunable and Well-Controlled Properties (Y. Xia, et al.)
- Designer Hydrogels for Cell Cultures: A Materials Selection Guide (W. Huck, et al.)
- Rational Design and Application of Hydrogels in Regenerative Medicine (A. Khademhosseini, et al.)
- Progress in Chemistry and Applications of Functional Indigos for Organic Electronics (E. D. Glowacki, et al.)
- Chemically Modified/Doped Carbon Nanotubes & Graphene for Optimized Nanostructures & Nanodevices (S. O. Kim, et al.)
- A Soft Future: From Robots and Sensor Skin to Energy Harvesters (Bauer, S., et al.)
- Metal Oxide Particles in Materials Science: Addressing All Length Scales (Koziej, D., et al.)
- Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells: Understanding the Mechanism of Operation (Heeger, A. J.)
- Exploring Nanoscaled Matter from Speciation to Phase Diagrams: Metal Phosphide Nanoparticles as a Case of Study (Carenco, S., et al.)
- Polymer–Particle Composites: Phase Stability and Applications in Electrochemical Energy Storage. (Srivastava, S., et al.)
- Organic Photovoltaic Modules and Biopolymer Supercapacitors for Supply of Renewable Electricity: A Perspective from Africa (Inganäs, O. and Admassie, S.)
- Ordered Polymer Structures for the Engineering of Photons and Phonons (Lee, J.-H., Koh, et al.)
- Artificial Carbonate Nanocrystals and Layered Structural Nanocomposites Inspired by Nacre: Synthesis, Fabrication and Applications (Yao, H.-B., et al.)
- Scalable Multiscale Patterned Structures Inspired by Nature: the Role of Hierarchy (Bae, W.-G., et al.)
- MXenes: A New Family of Two-Dimensional Materials (Naguib, M., et al.)
- Organic Field-Effect Transistors: The Path Beyond Amorphous Silicon (Henning Sirringhaus)
- Label-Free Electrical Biodetection Using Carbon Nanostructures (Balasubramanian, K., et al.)
- Charge Transport and Recombination in Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes (Kuik, M., et al.)
- Supramolecular Materials for Regenerative Medicine (Boekhoven, J., et al.)
- Isoindigo-Based Polymers and Small Molecules for Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells and Field Effect Transistors (Wang, E., et al.)
- 25 Years of Fullerene Research in Electron Transfer Chemistry. (Kirner, S., et al.)
- Microstructure Dependent Bias Stability of Organic Transistors. (Lee, W. H., et al.)
- Organic Electronics Marries Photochromism: Generation of Multifunctional Interfaces, Materials, and Devices (Orgiu, E., et al.)
- Materials for High-Performance Biodegradable Semiconductor Devices. (Hwang, S.-W., et al.)
- Controlling Biological Activity with Light: Diarylethene-Containing Cyclic Peptidomimetics. (Datta, S. S., et al.)
- Carbon Nanotube- and Graphene-Based Transparent Conductive Films for Optoelectronic Devices. (Du, J., et al.)
- High-Mobility Hole and Electron Transport Conjugated Polymers: How Structure Defines Function. (Olivier, Y., et al.)
- Semiconductor Nanowires – Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications. (Dasgupta, N. P., et al.)
- Hybrid Nanostructures Based on Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials. (Huang, X., et al.)