<新刊紹介> 環境史家ヨアヒム・ラートカウが環境保護運動の世界史を描く”The Age of Ecology”(エコロジーの時代)待望の英語版

The Age of EcologyThe Age of Ecology
 Joachim Radkau
 ISBN: 978-0-7456-6216-9
 Hardcover / 600 pages / January 2014 / Polity Press
 US $45.00

ドイツの歴史家ヨアヒム・ラートカウ(Joachim Radkau)は、特に環境史に関する著作で世界的に知られ、「自然と権力 ―― 環境の世界史」(みすず書房)などの邦訳もあります。本書”The Age of Ecology”は、ラートカウが環境保護運動の歴史に目を向けた”Die Ära der Ökologie. Eine Weltgeschichte”(2011年出版)の初の英語版です。




Preface to the English Edition

Introduction: The Green Chameleon

Chapter One: Environmentalism before the Environmental Movement
1. Good Mother Nature and the ‘Appalling Wood Shortage’: The Twin Face of Nature in the Decline of the Commons
2. Nature in Need of Protection and Nature as Healing Power: Environmental Activism in the ‘Nervous Age’
3. ‘The Desert Threatens’: Environmental Fears in the Age of Crisis - the New Deal and Nazi Germany
4. Think Big! A Charismatic Intermezzo on the Olympian Heights

Chapter Two: The Great Chain Reaction: the ‘Ecological Revolution’ in and around 1970

Chapter Three: Networked Thinking and Practical Priorities: an Endless Interplay
1. On the Ecology of Ecologism
2. Water and the Atom
3. Changing Priorities: the Movement in Motion

Chapter Four: Charismatics and Ecocrats
1. Spiritual Quest and Charismatic Moments
2. Ten Heroines Embodying Tensions in the Movement
3. Institutionalization, Routinization, Revitalization

Chapter Five: A Friend-Enemy or Win-Win Scenario?
1. From Nuclear Power to the Spotted Owl
2. Violence and the Green Conscience
3. Ecology and Economics: the Challenge of Conceptual Analogy

Chapter Six: Ecology and the Historic Turn of 1990 - From Social Justice to Climate Justice?

Conclusion: The Dialectic of Green Enlightenment

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