<新刊紹介> Applied Superconductivity: Handbook on Devices and Applications / 超伝導の応用面についての最新知識を解説

Applied SuperconductivityApplied Superconductivity: Handbook on Devices and Applications
 Paul Seidel (Editor)
 ISBN: 978-3-527-41209-9
 Hardcover / 1336 pages / February 2015
 US$ 540.00




編者を務める独イェーナ大学のPaul Seidel教授の専門は低温物理学で、特に薄膜の蒸着・成長などの研究で知られています。これまでに200報以上の論文を国際誌に発表するとともに、80冊以上の書籍に寄稿しています。各章の寄稿者にも、それぞれの主題に関する高名な専門家が名前を連ねています。

 本書の内容  ⇒ 詳細な目次・序文・寄稿者リストを公開(PDF)

1 Fundamentals

Main Related Effects
Parameters of Superconductors

2 Superconducting Materials

Low Temperature Superconductors
High Temperature Superconductors
Organic Superconductors
Magnetic Superconductors

3 Technology, Preparation and Characterization

Bulk Materials
Single Crystals
Thin Films and Multilayers
Josephson Junctions and Circuits
Wires and Tapes
System Interfacing

4 Superconducting Magnets

Bulk Superconducting Magnets for Bearings and Levitation
Fundamentals of Superconducting Electromagnets
Magnets for Particle Accelerators and Storage Rings
High-energy Physics Particle Detector Magnets
Magnets for NMR, MRI and MRT
Superconducting Magnets for Fusion
Magnets for Separation, Crystal Growth and Inductive Melting
Levitation: Maglev and Transport
Quench Protection and Cryogenic Stabilization

5 Power Applications

Superconducting Cables
Current Leads
Fault Current Limiters
Energy Storage (Flywheels and SMES)
Rotating Machines (Motors and Generators)
Superconductivity in Smart Grids

6 Superconductive Passive Devices

Microwave Components (Filter, Antennas, Delay Lines)
Cavities for Accelerators
NMR Coils and Low Field NMR/MRI
Magnetic Shields

7 Applications in Quantum Metrology

Quantum Standards for Voltage and Power
Quantum Standards for Current and Capacitance

8 Superconducting Radiation and Particle Detectors

Bolometers (TES and HEB)
Mixers (SIS and HEB)
Superconducting Photon Detectors (STJ and SSPD)
Applications at Different Frequencies
Detector Readout and Multiplexing


Types of SQUIDs (incl. SQIFs, Digital SQUIDs etc.)
Magnetic Field Sensing with SQUID Devices
SQUID Thermometer
SQUID Amplifier
Cryogenic Current Comparator

10 Superconductor Digital Electronics

Logic Circuits
Analog-Digital Conversion
Digital Processing (Samplers, Multiplexer and other Systems)
Quantum Computing with Superconducting Devices
New Devices (Three-terminal Devices, Pi-Junctions, Sc-Sm-Hybrid Devices)

11 Other Applications

Josephson Arrays as Radiation Sources
Tuned Microwave Device

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